Tooth Pain Relief in Overland Park

Relieving Pediatric Tooth Pain

If you’ve ever had a toothache, you know all too well how painful and disruptive a tooth ache can be. Tooth pain can hinder daily activities and make concentrating virtually impossible. It can also have a direct effect on sleep patterns, appetite, overall mood and ability to focus.

Toothaches tend to be more difficult for kids, especially if they can’t adequately identify or communicate exactly what’s going on. Here are a few things to keep an eye out for if your child complains about tooth pain, along with some warning signs that mean you should call your pediatric dentist.

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A little boy and girl sitting on lobby chair at a dentist holding lollipops.

What Are the Signs of a Toothache in Children?

Sometimes when we have a toothache, it’s hard to identify what’s causing the pain, especially in younger children who may not always have the vocabulary to tell us what’s wrong. Here are some signs to look out for:

  • Pain in the teeth or mouth
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold food and drink
  • Facial swelling
  • Drooling
  • A lump or abscess at the gumline
  • General irritability, especially in younger children

Toothache Trouble? Call Your Pediatric Dentist

At Sweet Tooth Pediatric Dentistry, top-notch preventive care is at the heart of our mission. Good oral hygiene and regular check-ups can help tremendously in aiding the prevention of tooth aches, but dental emergencies and tooth pain can occur even when children and families are doing everything right.

Our board certified professional doctor has years of training and experience and can quickly identify and treat whatever is at the root of your child’s toothache. If your child is experiencing tooth pain, make an appointment as soon as possible.

Catching problems early almost always makes them easier to solve, so children can get back to being kids, pain-free.

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Book your appointment at one of our Sweet Tooth locations today.

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First Time Visit?

There is no need to fear, Sweet Tooth is here! Let us help you ease the worry that can come with visiting the dentist for the first time.

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Why Parents Trust Sweet Tooth

Personalized Attention

Experience personalized attention for you and your child from our doctors with each visit.

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An Open-Door Policy

We welcome parents in treatment areas to help your child feel comfortable. In fact – we encourage it!

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Our Super Sweet Team

From the first visit you’ll experience prompt scheduling of appointments, find plenty of time to have your questions answered by our doctors and you’ll enjoy our professional and organized team.

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We Speak English & Spanish

Se habla Español! We can communicate with our patients in both English and Spanish.

Meet the Doctors

Board Certified Professionals

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