11 Bad Habits for Kids' Teeth

We all want our children to have the best life possible, and healthy teeth is a big part of that. Unfortunately, as adults we often forget how hard it can be for kids to understand what is good or bad for their dental health.

In this article, we'll discuss eleven bad habits that are common among young kids and offer suggestions on how parents can help them break those habits to improve dental health!

Bad Habit #11: Not Brushing After Meals.

This is one of the biggest problems you'll see with young kids. They will take a few bites, then want to run off and play with friends or do another activity. If they brush right after eating, this problem goes away.

 Introduce your child to brushing by having them watch while you do it yourself. Leading by example is the best way to help drive the bad habit away, and promote the good habit of brushing after meals.

Bad Habit #10: Eating Too Much Sugar Every Day.

This is one of the biggest problems you'll see with young kids. They will take a few bites, then want to run off and play with friends or do another activity. If they brush right after eating, this problem goes away.

 Introduce your child to brushing by having them watch while you do it yourself. Leading by example is the best way to help drive the bad habit away, and promote the good habit of brushing after meals.

kid holding a piece of candy

Bad Habit #9: Not Wearing Mouthguards When Playing Sports.

Sports are improtant for children and growing up in general. Not wearing mouthguards when playing certain contact games like football, basketball and soccer could lead to something more serious than just losing a tooth.

If you're going out on the field without putting anything between your teeth and another player's cleats then there's room for injury which could have been prevented.

 Mouthguards are cheap and can save your child's teeth, so make sure they wear them when playing sports.

Bad Habit #8: Not Brushing Regularly Every Day.

This is something that every adult should do as well. Young kids need to brush their teeth everyday for two minutes each time to keep up healthy gums and promote new growth of enamel. This helps prevent cavities from forming which is no fun as a kid or adult!

This habit takes discipline at first, but eventually turns into a routine like any other part of life such as brushing after meals (mentioned above) or using mouthwash before bedtime. You may miss a few days, but always make it a point to have your children brush as often as possible.

Bad Habit #7: Using Teeth As Tools To Open Things.

Open up a plastic toy with your teeth? Kids do that all the time because it's easy and quicker than asking mom or finding a tool. Unfortunately they're not thinking about what damage this may cause if their tooth is still growing or even worse, if their adult tooth isn't there to take its place.

 It's important for young children to understand that using their teeth as tools might damage them over time. Make sure you explain why they shouldn't be doing things like opening packages and containers with their teeth.

Bad Habit #6: Biting Their Nails.

This is another one that adults can relate to. When you get stressed or anxious about something, your first thought might be to bite your fingernails. The same goes for children who are exposed to situations where they may feel overwhelmed or nervous.

 This habit often starts young when kids aren't aware of what it's doing to their teeth. Teach them the right way how to deal with stress and anxiety instead by taking long deep breaths before the feeling intensifies.

Bad Habit #5: Sucking Their Thumb or Fingers.

young kid sucking their thumb

As children start to grow and develop, they go through different stages where it's common for them to suck their fingers or thumbs. This habit keeps the child calm (similar concept with nail biting above) which can be attributed back to nursing with mommy.

 It feels good so kids will continue doing it until someone breaks that pattern by telling them otherwise. Talk about this habit early on if you notice your little one sucking his/her thumb or finger because some school-aged children don't know better yet.

Bad Habit #4: Not Flossing At All.

Kids don't need to floss as often as adults, but they still do it because it's good for their teeth. Flossing is no fun for anyone! It can be tedious and annoying which makes kids not want to do it at all even though the benefits are tremendous.

 The goal with children should be that by flossing in their youth, this habit will form well into adulthood as a daily routine. Your child may not know it, but they'll be preventing many future and potentially painful dental issues later in life!

Bad Habit #3: Swallowing Toothpaste.

This is a common bad habit for most kids who are just getting used to brushing their teeth. Some parents go as far as letting them swallow the toothpaste because it tastes good, but this can cause problems later on because of the fluoride in the toothpaste itself.

Too much fluoride can cause fluorosis , which creates white or brown spots on your child's teeth. Using a non-fluoride toothpaste early on can help this issue, but you'll want to consult with your dentist to ensure they're still getting the right amount of fluoride when cleaning their teeth.

Bad Habit #2: Not Wearing Their Retainer or Mouth Guard As Directed.

Younger kids and even teenagers might opt to skip their retainer because it's annoying or just "not cool" in general. This is a very important bad habit to correct as soon as it starts.

Not wearing your mouth guard or retainer can cause serious damage to the teeth and gums over time, and derail the progress that the retainer was meant to bring in the first place!

 If you're noticing that your child isn't wearing their retainer, don't ignore this fact even though they may complain about it every now and then. Encourage them and let them know that the benefits of wearing the retainer will pay off when they get older, giving them a great picturesque smile that everyone will love!

Bad Habit #1: Not Visiting The Dentist On A Regular Basis.

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You knew this one was coming. Visiting the dentist isn't always fun, but it's necessary to do so in order to keep your child's teeth and mouth healthy. It's recommend that kids visit the dentist at least once a year to check on their teeth and make sure their smile is bright and healthy.

If you notice something out of place or an issue, your child's dentist can perform procedures such as cleanings or fillings so the small problems now don't turn into big problems later.

We hope this post was helpful for any parents who are looking to instill good habits in their children early on how to take care of their teeth. What other bad habits do we need to be aware of? Send Sweet Tooth Dentistry
a message today!

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